Anything about Israeli Singer Achinoam Nini (Noa), This blog is a continuation of the project to create Data Base about Noa's career called "Noa's Museum". (You can find information about it on All the material published on Noa's Museum is exclusively owned by the authors of the pictures, articles, websites and are used with no intention of infringement of copyrights and without any commercial purpose.
26 July 2006
23 July 2006
Noa's concert in Trieste (Italy)
La cantante israeliana Noa ha una voce che diffonde gioia ed entusiasmo. Il suo canto mescola armoniosamente jazz, rock americano e suggestioni mediorientali, superando tutte le frontiere culturali. Interprete in Vaticano di un'Ave Maria che ha commosso il mondo e protagonista di numerosi festival di musica etnica, Achinoam Nini (Noa per tutti) è diventata in pochi anni una stella acclamata della world music. "I miei genitori, israeliani di nascita e yemeniti di origine, si sono trasferiti negli Stati Uniti - racconta - quando avevo un anno. Ho vissuto fino a 17 anni a New York, dove ho studiato e fatto le prime esperienze artistiche. Una crisi di identità e il richiamo della mia terra, un giorno, mi hanno spinto a tornare in Israele. Lì ho proseguito gli studi, ho prestato il servizio militare e con una scuola di jazz e musica classica di Tel Aviv, la Rimon School, ho completato la mia formazione, avviata alla High School di New York. Vivo poco lontano da Tel Aviv e non andrei mai a stare altrove. Quando non sono in tournée, scrivo, produco, canto e faccio spettacoli". E che produzione, si può aggiungere, e quali avanzamenti sulla via del successo in quindici anni.
Grazie anche alla collaborazione con Gil Dor e con il chitarrista americano Pat Metheny, Noa ha messo a frutto le capacità e la fantasia compositiva che uno spiccato talento musicale ha profuso in lei.
Ma che cosa c'è alla radice di una voce così particolare? "Credo che ci sia l'amore - dice -. Non quello delle canzonette sentimentali, ma un sentimento più vasto, una leva che vince tutte le resistenze e dona la serenità". Dove si trova l'amore e dove comincia la ricerca? "Per me è stata una scoperta in un momento in cui si era fatto acuto il conflitto tra la ragione e l'istinto. Il ritorno alle radici ha sciolto il nodo. A casa mia ho trovato una zona d'incontro delle due componenti da cui posso attingere quando creo e canto. Lì ho annullato le mie inquietudini e ho colto la più bella ricchezza del mondo: l'amore, appunto". La sincerità del suo slancio Noa la comunica anche durante i suoi concerti, con una gestualità e una voce che hanno il calore di un abbraccio pieno di simpatia. Già da piccola - ricorda - la musica l'accompagnava. A otto anni, cinguettava per casa e cantava in piedi sul tavolo, deliziando parenti e amici. La comunicazione con chi l'ascolta oggi ha la stessa spontaneità di allora: "La sentite anche voi la mia emozione, il cuore che mi batte?", chiede scherzosamente alla platea, portandosi la mano sul petto. Il suo repertorio, dapprima molto americano, scivola gradualmente verso melodie più orientali. E proprio quando si immerge in quel clima, danzando e accompagnandosi con percussioni, tamburelli, piccoli strumenti a fiato, Noa dà il meglio di sé. Quando poi regala "Beautiful that way", il brano della colonna sonora del film di Roberto Benigni "La vita è bella", si ha la prova che canzoni come questa, interpretate da una voce così limpida, sono realmente un dono. E un regalo è anche lo "Shalom", pace, che Noa rivolge alla platea. Un saluto e un augurio che comunica un'idea della vita che esclude l'odio e il pregiudizio. Da molti anni grande amica di Folkest, il suo è un ritorno sempre gradito.
Noa – voce e percussioni; Gil Dor – chitarre, Zohar Fresco – percussioni
22 July 2006
Noa's special concert for Fondazione Luchetta, Ota D'Angelo (Trieste, Italy)
The Israeli artist has sung yesterday and it will also make this evening, but without Rim Banna and Radiodervish Noa: «With the dialogue we will build the peace»
Achinoam Nini, universally known as Noa, Israeli of yemenite origins lived up to 17 years to New York and then returned to Tel Aviv where alive still it is a messenger of peace. Message that has recently launched to Naplesl, before her concert in Pozzuoli, and it launches again from Triest where last night she’s exhibited within the Luchetta Prize, performing four passages devoted to the peace and the childrens: Shalom, Ave Maria, Beautiful that way
And she will be still tonight protagonist in Piazza Unità, where - after the succeeded prologue with the Bollywood Brass Band - Folkest returns for the third consecutive year to free entry.
But the Israeli singer, that is about to be honored with title of Gentlewoman of the Republic, will exhibit unfortunately alone: after the forfait of the Palestinian Rim Banna, that said very shaken for how much is happening to Gaza, and that therefore doesn't feels to hold shows in this period, is added to the last moment that one of the Radiodervish that, to the light of the escalation of violence in the Middle-East, in a signed Nabil’s note and addressed to Folkest, they excuse for the missed share.
<< "For me this is the moment of the pain and of dismay and of the concentration close to my darlings in Lebanon that succumb under the bombs of an absurd war." The organizers count that the soirèe is, however pleasant and constitutes a moment of peace. Also to the light of these antecedents, the first question to an available Noa that answers to the journalists with in arm her two splendid, curled children it is not able whether to concern the delicate Israeli-Lebanese matter. She, pacifist and paladin of the dialogue, don't have doubts.
<< It is an awful moment, but there is a deep difference among how it happens in Cisgiordania and the events in Lebanon. We are able and we must talk to the Palestinians, I am sure that peace will be possible, also they wants peace and safety: it is necessary to talk to the moderates to sustain them. To avoid that on one side and from the other the extremists can take the upper hand. The Hezbollah’s don't want instead the dialogue, it is necessary to disarm them, set Lebanon free, victim of Hezbollah and extremists, to allow the country to reconstruct himself. With the international support the Lebanese government can make itself, is what the greatest part of the Israeli people desires. But can we speak about music? >>.
Said, done. And when the matter moves, with a sigh of relief, returns her the smile. Draft, vivacious, deep eyes as her understanding of a world where exist a lot of grey tones, it will bring in plaza a show that is a whole than she has done in the past. Enthusiastic of her recorded album live in Israel with the Solis String Quartet, marvellous people it defines them, and as many enthusiastic of next project that will see them in study for an album from the strong visual impact and not only musical.
The relationship among world music and globalization?
<< I see globalization not so much as a push to the homologation, but rather a powerful catalyst against this tendency because the moment in which the world becomes more united small, makes to appear on the surface in the individual in natural way the desire to express himself, to show his/her own individuality. And This is the positive effect of the globalization. And then the term world I don't like music, it is limiting. I love the music of every place, the music for me is music and enough, I detest the labels, in the world music there is an unbelievable quantity of variety. As hook the crossover, the to extend at the most the confinements. And this is the positive one of the actual world: I, been born in a place, grown in another, I am open to all of this that is; my palette is enormous and I can create a mosaic, and even if I don't know that name to give him, is very beautiful."
Events as Live 8 can contribute to change the people?
"Yes and no at the same time. They are important in how much gives to many the possibility to express him, to express their empathy, and this is very beautiful, and the music has this of magic, that the people it brings above the daily things and it allows to communicate on a superior plan. But we cannot be thought that such events resolve the problems, every must make their own part."
With the Quartet she has recorded an album of Neapolitan music released in October. What has brought her toward this kind?
"The music is universal, it strikes the heart, but to deeper level there is other. My family thought in Jerusalem with nostalgy and desire, and in the Neapolitan song is strong that desire, that melancholy for a distant country, allowed for going looking for fortune, the same desire, the same depth feeling that we share. There is then the romanticism, strong, and at the end there is that something that cannot be explained. Why do you fall in love yourself of a person rather than of another? Why do you like a music rather than another? It is the magic"
This evening, Noa will be accompanied by the Acoustic band composed by the guitarist Gil Dor, met to a school of music and from her defined "a great friend over that a precious colleague" and from the percussionist Zohar Fresco together with the Neapolitan Solis String Quartet.
Yesterday Noa has accused an indisposition, from which is taken back immediately, and its first worry has been to not to be able to visit the small guests of the Foundation Luchetta, that instead comforted by the medical support, it will go to visit today.
Gianfranco Terzoli – “Il Piccolo” 23/06/2006
20 July 2006
16 July 2006
Noa's concert in Valencia (Spain)
-Mucha gente cree en la existencia de un vínculo entre todas las músicas del Mediterráneo. ¿Confirma esta colaboración esa idea?
-Sí, sí creo que existe. Tenemos mucho en común, pero también muchas cosas que podemos aprender los unos de los otros; creo que nuestra colaboración demuestra las dos cosas. Pero desde luego que existe esa sensación de calidez, honestidad, comunicación fluida y pasión que surgen de compartir este hermoso Mar Mediterráneo.
-Ya son cinco años sin un disco de estudio de Noa ¿Existe la intención de hacer alguno?
-Sí, ahora mismo estamos trabajando en un nuevo álbum. Pero no será algo inmediato. Tengo dos niños y trabajo a mi propio ritmo
-Usted ha trabajado en alguna ocasión con el señor Zubin Mehta, que participa en el proyecto valenciano del Palau de les Arts ¿Se ha planteado alguna colaboración futura entre ambos?
-Siento un grandísimo respeto por el Maestro Mehta, al que me une una relación personal. Es un músico increíble y una personalidad enormemente carismática e inspiradora. He colaborado con el en varias ocasiones, en Israel y en Francia, y me encantaría volver a hacerlo. Quizá el Palau de les Arts quiera sugerir algo para el futuro...
-Su música siempre ha servido para intentar superar el conflicto que se vive en Israel y Palestina ¿Es optimista sobre el futuro, a la vista de los últimos acontecimientos?
-La situación actual en nuestro área es catastrófica. Todas estas matanzas me parecen absolutamente innecesarias. Siento muchísimo que justo ahora que Israel había escogido un gobierno deseoso de hablar, un gobierno de centro izquierda que tiene un gran potencial de dar a los palestinos lo que quieren y necesitan... justo ahora, los palestinos cometen el grave error de elegir a Hamas, esta organización terrorista fanática que está destrozando tanto los sueños palestinos como los israelíes. Esto viene a añadirse a la larga lista de errores que ha cometido ambas partes, tan estúpidamente, en nuestra triste historia. A pesar de todo ello yo creo que alguna día, después de que todos hayamos contado los muertos y hayamos llorado otro río de lágrimas, nos sentaremos y hablaremos, y llegaremos a un acuerdo. Pero qué triste que no lo hayamos hecho antes.
-¿Qué puede esperar el público que acuda a su concierto de mañana¿ ¿Sólo música? ¿Alguna escenografía especial o alguna sorpresa?
-En nuestro concierto la protagonista es la música, de la mano de nuestro trío, Gil Dor (guitarra), Zohar Fresco (percusión) y yo misma, y además nuestro querido Solis Quartet. Creo que lo llenamos todo y que no hace falta ningún efecto especial ni escenografía particular. Y claro que sí, siempre tenemos alguna sorpresa: canciones en español, temas inéditos...
15 July 2006
13 July 2006
Noa's concert in Zaragoza (Spain)
Zaragoza.- Noa ofrecerá un concierto en el Centro de Historia dentro del Ciclo "Noches Con Sol" ZARAGOZA, 9 (EUROPA PRESS) La artista israelí Achinoam Nini, más conocida como Noa, ofrecerá el próximo jueves 13 de julio a las 22,00 horas un concierto dentro del Ciclo "Noches Con sol", que se celebrará durante julio y agosto en el Centro de Historia de Zaragoza. Como cada año, el área de Cultura del Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza presenta un programa musical para las noches de verano de la ciudad. Este año se celebrará con actuaciones durante todos los jueves y viernes de julio y agosto. Noa es una destacada activista a favor del diálogo para lograr la paz en Oriente Medio. Además, participa asiduamente en foros y eventos que se celebran con ese objetivo: Fue la primera artista israelí oficialmente invitada a actuar en Marruecos y ha actuado en varias ocasiones en el Vaticano. Además de la artista israelí, participarán en el ciclo diversos autores de la categoría de Eric Burdon & Animals, el viernes 14, Bela Fleck, el viernes 28 o Cesárea Évora, el jueves día 27 de julio. La entrada del concierto de Noa tiene un precio de 20 euros la entrada anticipada, y 25 euros en caso de adquirirse en taquilla. | |
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