Anything about Israeli Singer Achinoam Nini (Noa), This blog is a continuation of the project to create Data Base about Noa's career called "Noa's Museum". (You can find information about it on All the material published on Noa's Museum is exclusively owned by the authors of the pictures, articles, websites and are used with no intention of infringement of copyrights and without any commercial purpose.
29 December 2002
17 December 2002
Noa guest of Joan Manuel Serrat concert in Barcelona
El pasado domingo, Serrat fue invitado al programa "La Marató de TV3" que como cada año, se organiza para recaudar fondos para investigación sobre diversas enfermedades. En las casi 12 horas que dura la emisión van dando su testimonio tanto médicos como pacientes, y actúan diferentes artistas.
Y ¡cómo no! nuestro querido Serrat, como persona sensible y solidaria que es, no podía faltar a la cita. Y además no lo hizo sólo: se presentó con Noa y ambos interpretaron "Es caprichoso el azar", una de las canciones estrella del nuevo disco. (Gracias a Viky Teixidó por su información)
Pero no quedó ahí la cosa. Por la noche ambos artistas repitieron tema y actuación, esta vez para los asistentes al recital del Teatro Novedades de Barcelona. Todo un privilegio para los afortunados espectadores. Y como el mismo Serrat dijo a la audiencia: "vaya potra habéis tenido en venir hoy..."
More info at Noa's Museum
16 December 2002
Noa & Gil visit again the Academy of the spanish tv show Operacion Triunfo (Spain)
After their first visit in October, Noa & Gil do a master class to the students of the Academy of the Show Operacion Triunfo. The same evening Noa, together with Gil and the members of the academy perform a touching version of the song "Eye in the sky".
More info and pictures at Noa's Museum:
Achinoam Nini; אחינועם ניני; gil dor; גיל דור,
operacion triunfo,
14 December 2002
Noa's concert in Vatican (Vatican)
Noa at the Vatican Concert, December 2002) Noa returns to the Vatican (Concerto di Natale) to perform on December 14th, 2002. Together with her on the bill: BRYAN FERRY, GABRIELLE, JOSH GROBAN, DOLORES O'RIORDAN (Cranberries), POOH, LIONEL RICHIE, LISA STANSFIELD, THE CORRS, DIONNE WARWICK, and many others.
More info, press articles and pictures at Noa's Museum
9 December 2002
8 December 2002
Noa's concert in Breda (Netherlands)
Place: Chasse Theater
Claudius Prinsenlaan 8
4811 DK Breda
Claudius Prinsenlaan 8
4811 DK Breda
more info at Noa's Museum
30 November 2002
Noa's interview about Peace in an italian media
29 November 2002
Noa's concert in Padova (Italy)
23 November 2002
21 November 2002
17 November 2002
16 November 2002
15 November 2002
Noa's Concert in Vernouillet, France
Noa's Concert in Vernouillet, France November 15th
51, rue de Torcay
51, rue de Torcay
14 November 2002
5 November 2002
Noa's concert at M80 Radio Gala, Madrid (Spain)
Achinoam Nini; אחינועם ניני; gil dor; גיל דור,
m80 radio,
4 November 2002
3 November 2002
Special from dutch television show "2Vandaag" about Noa (Netherlands)
A special from dutch television show "2Vandaag" about Noa is Broadcasted. A special from dutch television show "2Vandaag" about Noa and her present life in Israel. She remembers Rabin and the assasination and shows various places that are important to her. Includes an ad-hoc video of "We".
More info at Noa's Museum
2 November 2002
Noa's concert in Lugano (Switzerland)
1 November 2002
31 October 2002
25 October 2002
23 October 2002
22 October 2002
21 October 2002
19 October 2002
17 October 2002
16 October 2002
Noa's concert in Amsterdam (Netherlands)
12 October 2002
11 October 2002
Noa's concert in Barcelona (Spain)
Noa & Gil Dor's masterclass at the TV show Operacion Triunfo (Spain)
operacion triunfo,
10 October 2002
8 October 2002
Noa's concert in Madrid (Spain) (Showcase for Cadena 100)
Private event held in Madrid, Spain. Show case for the spanish radio station Cadena 100.
More info and pictures at Noa's Museum
7 October 2002
5 October 2002
28 September 2002
Noa's concert in Sevilla (Spain)
THREE CULTURES CONCERT TOGETHER IN HARMONY The Auditorio of Seville held on 28th September 2002, the first international concert organized by the Holy Sounds Foundation. This event, called Three Cultures Concert-Together in Harmony- has been developed with the collaboration of the Andalusian Government and the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation.
On the same stage there was a representation of tolerance and peace of the three cultures based on the participation of consecrated artists from different cultures and the same message: understanding among Christian, Muslim and Jewish people. It was a tri-cultural concert that had the following artists on stage: Noa, Khaled and Ketama.
More information, press articles and pictures at Noa's Museum
11 September 2002
Noa's performance in Napoli (Italy)
2002.RAIDUE-DA NAPOLI SHOW 11 SETTEMBRE, > >Noa: Contro i venti di guerra la musica non si ferma
In prima serata su Raidue lo show per l’11 settembre da Piazza del Plebiscito a Napoli. >“Ho vissuto 17 anni della mia vita a New York. Sento il dovere di fare >qualcosa per lei. Oggi spirano venti di guerra. Noi musicisti abbiamo una >missione: cantare per la pace”. Così parla Noa, uno dei protagonisti di “La >forza della pace-Napoli chiama New York”, il concerto che ieri sera si è >tenuto a Napoli in piazza del Plebiscito. Mentre nel mondo si agitano >segnali di guerra, da Napoli parte un messaggio di pace in un concerto >ideato per ricordare le vittime dell’attentato dell’11 settembre alle Torri >Gemelle di New York. Musicisti italiani e internazionali hanno partecipato >allo spettacolo che Raidue trasmetterà venerdì 13 settembre alle 20,55, in >prima serata. Un appuntamento organizzato dal Gruppo Edo Spa/Primo Piano e >presentato da Paola Saluzzi. La regia del programma è affidata a Rita >Vicario. >Tra i protagonisti della serata Noa, protagonista di un toccante duetto con >Enrico Ruggeri in “Life is beautiful” e con il nuovo singolo “We”, tratto >dall’imminente album “Now”; i Dirotta su Cuba con “Welcome”; Nino D’Angelo, >Terence Trent D’Arby accompagnato da Carlo Morelli Choir Swingers in un >medley tra “Amazing Grace” e “O Divina”; Enrico Ruggeri con “Primavera a >Sarajevo”, i Cousteau con “Damn these hungry times”; Enzo Gragnaniello con >“Cumm’è” e, accompagnato da James Senese, con “Scalinatella”, un omaggio a >Roberto Murolo e Marco Fabi con “When the ground was fiery steel”. Inoltre >Eddie Davis (leader della band in cui suona Woddy Allen) suonera’ una >versione jazz di “Bella Ciao”. > >L’Ufficio Stampa
Achinoam Nini; אחינועם ניני; gil dor; גיל דור,
piazza plebiscito
1 September 2002
Noa's interview at O correo Galego (Spain)
[A cantante Noa maniféstase radiante de felicidade desde que tivo un fillo, Ayehli, en marzo do ano pasado. 'Now' é o novo álbum que sairá á venda en España o 17 de setembro]
Anque con só dous anos, os seus pais se trasladaron ó Bronx novaiorquino, volveu a Israel ós 17 anos por amor e a cumpri-lo servicio militar. Desde entón sempre amosou a súa preocupación pola situación da súa terra, "sobre todo agora que todo está moi deteriorado. A única maneira de demostrar que a xente da rúa non está de acordo co que ocorre é protestando'', di.
"Eu loito contra a violencia -engadiu- cantando ó amor e á esperanza. Sinto unha gran pena pola xente que non ten compaixón e sinto moita máis por min, porque desde a miña illa de esperanza teño que vivir con eles na incerteza. Non quero morrer, pero agora que son nai daría a miña vida polo meu fillo, non por unhas persoas que poderían esforzarse por soluciona-lo conflicto e non o fan porque non teñen nin cariño, nin comunicación, nin respecto, nin amor''...
The complete article is available at:
31 August 2002
Noa's concert in Torhout (Belgium)
23 August 2002
Noa's concert in Bilbao (Spain)
Achinoam Nini; אחינועם ניני; gil dor; גיל דור,
aste nagusia,
la pergola,
17 August 2002
10 August 2002
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