14 August 2000

Noa shoots the videoclip of the song Beautiful That Way (Italy)

Noa has just finished shooting a video clip of the song “Beautiful That Way” in Bergamo, Italy. The song is a vocal version of the theme song from Roberto Benigni’s Oscar-winning film “Life is Beautiful”.It was shot in various indoor and outdoor locations in Bergamo.

More info at www.noasite.net Noa's Museum:

10 August 2000

Noa’s “Blue Touches Blue “ Reaches Gold in Spain (August)

The first European country where “Blue Touches Blue" has reached the 80,000 units sold (gold) mark is Spain. The sales in Spain have been growing steadily, and we are looking at possible platinum status by the end of this year. Spain was part of Noa’s latest European tour, and the shows there were an immense success.
Noa records Spanish version of “Again and Again” from the “Blue Touches Blue “ album (10/8/00)

Noa has recorded a Spanish version of “Again and Again” at “Wisseloord Studios” in Holland. The Spanish lyrics were written by Raquel and Nuna Diaz Reguera. The single has been released for Spanish radio on the 22nd of August

6 August 2000

4 August 2000

Noa's concert in Bologna, Italy

Il 4 Agosto, all'ombra della Basilica di San Petronio, Bologna 2000 presenta uno straordinario concerto della cantante israeliana NOA, mentre a Ferragosto, alle ore 21, la European Union Youth orchestra diretta da Vladimir Ashkenazy dà appuntamento a tutti in piazza per la sera clou dell'estate.

More info at www.noasite.net Noa's Museum:

3 August 2000

Noa's concert in Coreggio (Italy)

Ci saranno artisti provenienti da ogni continente a Mundus 2000 – Linguaggi dell’identità e della differenza, la manifestazione che si svolgerà a Reggio Emilia e dintorni dal 21 giugno al 14 agosto. Il calendario comprende oltre cinquanta spettacoli allestiti nei cortili di case d’epoca, nei giardini e nelle piazze del capoluogo emiliano e dei comuni della sua provincia. A rappresentare la musica mondiale ci saranno: Noa (Israele) Salif Keita (Mali), Doudu N’Diaye Rose (Senegal), Emir Kusturica (ex Jugoslavia), Les Nubians (Francia-Camerun), Emil Zrihan (Israele), Gabi Lunca (Romania), Cherifa (Marocco), Carlos Maza (Cuba), Koryu Nishikawa (Giappone).
Mundus 2000 è organizzato da ATER (Associazione Teatri Emilia Romagna), in collaborazione con la Regione Emilia Romagna, la Provincia di Reggio Emilia e i Comuni in cui si terranno i concerti.

More info at www.noasite.net Noa's Museum:

2 August 2000

Noa's interview for the italian media Onda Rock

"I grew up in New York, but I couldn’t ever live far from Israel”. “Love is the inspiration for of my songs”. An interview with Noa, the Israeli singer who can merge jazz, American rock and Middle-Eastern sounds in delicate songs, marked by her clear voice (by Mirella Caveggia)

More info and the full interview at www.noasite.net

1 August 2000

Noa's concert in Catania, (Sicilia, Italy)

Andrea Spinelli ha intervistato Noa per “Il Giorno”/ “La Nazione”/ “Il Resto del Carlino”. Nell’incontro, la cantante israeliana – a Catania per due concerti: stasera, 1 agosto, si esibirà insieme a Suzanne Vega – parla della situazione politica nel suo paese e di come il suo ultimo album, “Blue touches blue”, racconti delle due nature dell’animo umano.

More info at www.noasite.net Noa's Museum: